Saturday, September 27, 2008

McCain v. Obama Pt. 1

In their first head to head debate, that almost did not happen, how do you feel they both did?
Please post your reactions here, and feel free to debate amongst yourselves based on what you saw and not on the previous conventions from several weeks ago. 


Rachel K said...

I personally was very dissapointed in the debate.I felt like they dodged almost every single question asked. They are so cocerned about saying the wrong thing that they wound up not saying anything of real substance.I could go on about how messed up that is , but I won't because I already did that on my blog. Anyways, I thought Obama was going to anihalate McCain in the debate because Obama is good infront of huge crowds of people whereas McCain is more comfortable being in a town hall kind of situation, but obviously Obama didn't do that. Before the debate, the media was talking about how clear the winner of this race was going to be after this debate, but since neither of them did exceptionally well or made any dire mistakes it made the race even more hard to predict.I felt that Obama did win this debate, but he didn't win by much.

Em[ily] said...

I never knew hoe heated the debates got! i thought it was just going to be the both of them taking turns giving short speeches. Instead I noticed that both of them were so enthusiastic about what they were going to say that they kept interrupting each other.
I thought that Obama was very strongly opinionated, and knew exactly what he wanted and what he thought had to be done. However i also think they both changed what their point of view a few times. Also I have to say that I really didnt like that when ever Obama would talk McCaine would make funny faces when he didnt agree with what he was saying.

Em[ily] said...

Also when I was watching I thought they weren't really saying anything important either. But my dad was watching it with me and explained thing in a better way, that made me realize they really were hitting important topics, and saying a lot of important things.

Diriye said...

I think that the debate was very intersesting. The candidates did not give complete answers to the questions the moderator was asking them. They just attacked each other on policies.

Dasee said...

I agree with Rachel K about how they dodged almost every question asked. Also how none really did that much better than the other. I thought it was better to watch this debate than the National Democratic Convention. I liked how they talked like if they were talking to each other face to face in a way. Rather than each having like a certain amount of time to say there speech. Neither of them really impressed me the most. But I still have my hopes that Obama is going to be the winner.

miclette1 said...

good, good, good...

A couple questions for you all:

Who was directly speaking at one another more often, McCain at Obama, or Obama at McCain?

What does this tell you about what they were saying and feel about the strength of their perspective and information they were saying?

lets keep it going...

Duke said...

McCain keeps saying" Senator Obama doesn't understand...” He acknowledged Obama's inexperience and he was not directly speaking at Obama more often during the debate. That indicates him as a “tyrant” who always surmises that his idea is always right. That is not acceptable. Even though I don’t support McCain, I support his economic policy. He addresses that if the business tax decrease, more foreign company invests in United State. I think Obama is absolutely correct about Iraq war. It is more like Vietnam War which I have experienced. McCain keeps protecting his war policy by saying that “we are winning in Iraq”. That quote is exactly the same thing that was spoken in Vietnam War.

KatrineJulie said...

I have never been more of a democrat than after the debates. I felt that the only thing McCain was doing was putting Obama down. I also noticed Obama would look at McCain when he was speaking McCain just look straight forward the whole time. I also felt that the whole debate was so vague and more of a he said she said it lost meaning to me. I tried hard not to be bias but I felt myself yelling thats bullshit at McCain a few time.

Amy said...

I couldn't help but see what opinionated Obama was. I agree with Katrina on how Obama would actually listen to McCain, and McCain would only look straight forward. It was as if McCain only wanted win the debate and not talk about the issuse. I mean he was there addressing them but only for his supporters. Obama was actually there to DEBATE.

andin said...

The debate wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. Mccain kept saying that Obama is too inexperienced to lead. I think that Obama won this debate.

Lorita said...

You know throughout the debate, I felt as though both Obama and McCain were directly talking about issues that were important. Sometimes, they argued about issues that they both strongly felt close to and other times the issues seemed a walk in the park. However, I really felt glad to hear McCain propose that "Democrats and Republicans are sitting down trying to fix this crisis we are in." What this means is that a unification of Democrats and Republicans are always made when we are talking abou the good of the country. Both McCain and Obama had different views on some topics especially financial recovery plans. For example, Obama wants to have energy independence by increasing production while McCain wants to cut taxes. Sometimes, they agreed with one another and other times they felt as if a war would break out. The part where McCain started discussing about pre-conditions was when both McCain and Obama started to attack each other which leads me to my next point. In order to answer your question, Mr. Miclette, I have to say that Obama was looking more towards McCain's direction. I think that both McCain and Obama should have platforms facing each other. Because even though, Obama was facing McCain more it was still not enough. Quick glances at each other is not good enough. I felt that this debate was successfully but I also agree with Rachel K. I, too, felt "like they dodged almost every single question asked." I wished that both senators would not interupt each other because it's really difficult to understand what the person is talking about it. It was as if they didn't have the right to speak. This debate was very heated but I felt like some points were made clear while others were still left in question.

isaac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cindy said...

I didn't exactly get to watch the debate but i read over the summary online about what took place on Friday. I don't know but it seemed like the candidates just repeated what they said from the national conventions. I just read that McCain did point out Senator Obama quite a few times and criticized him. There wasn't that much specific information on the debate that made it sound heated though, so I wouldn't say it was a good or bad debate.

isaac said...

I thought the debate was interesting.I also thought it was funny that the candidates wee interrupting each other, contradicted, and their prior thought.

jeez, I've mest up on these word Verifications like 10 times.

SOCCER STUD D7 said...

I only saw a little bit of it, but I agree with Duke that McCain kept saying that Obama doesn't understand.Also thay kept disagreeing with each other about what they were talking debating about.In the parts that I saw I think that Obama did a better job on debating then McCain did

I Was A Teenage Werewolf said...

They were talking a lot of Economy problems and solutions. I honestly did not see all of this because I had to go to my job, but I saw some of it on youtube. I really think that The United States of America is getting very greedy. They were also talking about where they stand on the financial recovery plan. They tried to see the differences between Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama on how to solve the financial crisis. In this subject McCain tried to dodge this subject.

kim said...

They kept on interrupting each other. They debate was okay. I didn't see a lot so there aren't much for me to say. However, I think that they both have their points. Though it would have been better if they actually listen to what their opponent have to say.

Kevin Cromwell said...

I have to agree Rachel, the debate was very dissapointing. The canidates did not really explain, in depth, what the were going to to five the country's major problems the just addressed them. Also, they started out talking about the economy, but this debate was supposed to be about foreign policy. Some seem to say that McCain won and others say that Obama won. But personally I just can't tell.

panh said...

In my opinion, I think Obama and McCain should listen to each other more. I think that what Rachel K wrote is true and I agreed to it. I think that Obama win this debate but I think this debate would be better if they say the main important thing in each question and don't interrupt each other.

Kelsey! said...

I didn't actually get to see the debate either, but I did read about it on a couple different websites and I watched part of it on youtube. I talked to some people about it yesterday and they told me that even though they're for Obama, they said he didn't do a very good job and that him and McCain were pretty even. I agree with Rachel K. and Dasee because Obama and McCain did dodge a lot of the questions and kind of just blabbed on about the policies. McCain also made Obama sound like a very inexperienced person. From what I saw, the debate was much different than how I thought it was going to be.

Navjot Sandhu said...

I saw the debate and thought that they were giving small speeches. However I saw that they kept interrupting each other.I noticed how this debate was really important and was giving a hint who was going to win. Mccain was also making weird faces when Obama would answer the question plus it was a long debate. They were attacking each other with issues and really didn't give straight forward answers.It was interesting and I noticed that they had a similar performance. However Obama handled it more patiently than Mccain was and was there to debate.

keyra22 said...

Before this debate took place, I was looking forward on the topics these two candidates were going to discuss. After seeing how it went, I was disappointed in the fact that both candidates were trying to be very opinionated like rachel said. They were very concerned that if they messed up in something they said, the rest of the debate was going to go wrong. I did feel that Obama was a little nervous,but after a while he began to comprehend himself a little bit more. Overall, both candidates nailed what they had to say. They both backed their statements with very well said examples.

wendy_t said...

I personally felt that both McCain & Obama were getting off topic when they were being asked to respond to the question. I agree with what rachel k said about how they dodged every question. It felt like they were just attacking one another.

Xxx(SEAN)xxX said...

To be serious, i thought the debate as a child's game. I mean they avoided most of the questions asked and in return they threw dirt at one another like they were just trying to make the other person look worse than themselves in which case made them both like idiots. I mean seriously, how hard is it to answer a darn question. First they would give a cruddy answer, and follow it with a "but McCain/Obama supports/doesn't support the certain problem at hand. In the fact that they pretty much said the same thing, with slight alterations, all that they could do is comment on one another. Also Obama was doing ok until the um uh um state of studdering. McCain was a little more thorough on his case but was projecting a negative feeling towards Obama. I'll bet that Obama did too, but he stayed more on with the subject (barely). Well, I'll be surprised if anyone actually thinks that these people are right for our country. Henceforth an quote from a political person when Bush was elected stating, "what candidates do to one another to get into office should not deserve to be into office because of their nature to blame/expose other people" (I don't remember who said it, I mean it was four years ago). Even after this debate, I still believe that Obama is still better suited for becoming president.

Jamie<3 said...

Well I didn't see the entire debate but I did see some interesting parts of it. To me, I think Obama won that Debate but not by a long run. This debate did not catch my eye to be such a great debate. I thought Obama stuttered a lot and They both went around the subject and some of the time didn't support the ideas as well as they needed to I think they were to afraid to attack the opinion. Both of the canidates made there mistakes and had some good parts also. I was also kinda dissappointed because I would have thought Obama would have been a lot better with his crowd speeches, but then they just seemed like a regular guys speech not too great but not bad just "normal"

nico said...

I didn't get to see the actual convention on the t.v but I did see it on YouTude! My over all opinion is that Obama won and what he said was mainly directed to the questions being asked. As for McCain he just spoke about other, less important matters. Senator Obama clearly outline his plans to free america from foreign oil in the next to years, and how he wanted to focus on getting the middle class back on track. However I agree with "em[ily]" this was the first presidential debate that I have ever seen and wow!
They really want to be heard.

Alex ★☆ said...

Okay there were many interesting points that each one made. Even though this debate was very boring it had some good points.

One thing that I noticed was that McCain was bringing Obama's voting things into every answer to every question. They were rudely interrupting each other, but I think that everyone would do that. One thing that McCain was bring up a lot was veterans in every answer as well.

One thing that I personally liked that Obama said was that he wanted to put more money into the education funds for collages and early education. But all Mcain was trying to "freeze" on the spending of the money.

Carman said...

" You don't say that out loud" was a beautiful quote coming from one of our presidential nominees, Jon McCain. The debate seemed unheated and there was a lot of "that is not what I said." There was also a lot of agreement. I did not noticed to much back and forth which is what a debate should be, well that is what my idea of a debate is.
I agree that you can learn from the past, but the past is the past so it should stay that way especially when it is irrelevant to the current situation. It seems that John McCain has forgot about that and the fact that name dropping (should) mean nothing.
The part about the bracelets was interesting though. Barack Obama had a good comeback to that one and didn't McCain talk about receiving a bracelet at the Republican convention.
Overall I was not completely consumed by this debate except for the fact that the host/ mediator kept getting cut off by the two of them. If that was that I was paying attention to then that says a very sad thing about my character.

Dalvinder said...

I was only able to watch the debate for about 40 min. I was quiet disappointed. For the whole time they were stuck on one question. The question of what their financial recovery. The anchor Jim Lehrer asked them about four times the same question. To me they seemed to just attack each other, and kept interrupting each other! McCain kept saying Obama was inexperienced. And Obama kept saying that McCain was going to be like Bush. Later Obama did sort of answer the question, but I do not think that McCain gave a straight answer.

katelyn schaich. said...

I was disappointed in the debate. I really thought that they would discuss more issues, rather than just do a stupid little dance around all of the questions. Overall, I think that Obama is a way better speaker than McCain could ever be.

dearshaybaby; said...

I thought the debate was going to be more intense. The whole time I think they were cutting each other down and looking kinda dum then building themselves up. I was kind of disappointed in Obama because I thought he was going to kill McCain, but it turns out McCain was on point. Maybe I was just expexting to much from him but the whole thing was kind of a let down.

DanielleTravers said...

The debate was rediculous. I think that McCain acted completely immature. It was a shame to watch a grown man chuckle when his rivalry was speaking. He could have least shown Obama respect which he rightfully deserves. But one thing I came across when talking with a friend about it is I really compared the way Obama actions are to a well written persuasive essay. He had good points and backed up what he said, while at the same time he included a counterexample many times. In a way it made me question well if the purpose of a terrifically written persuasive essay is just to persuade someone, is he really going to follow through with what he says if president or does he just want those votes? ( I am for Obama, but I thought I would try and set up a question for myself just so I wouldn't automatically be so bias. )

KUH-Rii-NAH said...

I believe it was a quite intense debate where they kept on going back and forth agreeing on few things and disagreeing for the most part. Mccain as some have mentioned through out the debate would point out how Obama is “unexperienced”. Considered unexperienced for not being part of a Military and of a younger age? To me thats ridiculous to point out, because its not about age nor military service rather than how are you willing to make this country a better place. Now Obama did a well job pointing out things to which many want to be heard though I feel he did not do as well, he could have done way much better. Also I realized that in a way he was quite inaccurate when referring to Mccain as “John.” Of course Mccains smirky laugh and faces where disrespectful as well.

Karina G.

dearshaybaby; said...

danielle makes sense but you also have to remeber this is a debate, not a friendly meeting, of course hes going to make some kind of reaction to Obama, also by doing that he makes Obama seem like he doesnt know what hes talking about which i think he wants

Nicholas Le said...

The debate from my point of view was not that good, but not that bad. The thing is, is that they kept on dodging the questions and they would always interrupt each other. It wasn't as great as their speeches for the Republican and Democratic Conventions from what I think. The thing is that when Obama was speaking, McCain would just look away like he isn't paying attention and when McCain was speaking, Obama would be looking at McCain and be listening, so he could respond. Over all, I think Obama did a better job then Mccaindid overall.

Omar said...

Is it true that the US is in debt, about 9 trillion dollars.

Mafia Boss said...

This is for the Vice Presidential Debate!!!! I think that the debate could have been better. Joe Biden didn't really attack Sarah Palin because she is a woman and he doesn't want to lose the majority votes for Obama on the women side.
Sarah Palin attacked Joe Biden a lot and try to prove that she is right and Joe Biden is not. Sarah Palin kept on going back to the energy crisis, so she use that as her strenght and Joe Biden uses the struggling middle classes as his strenghts. Sarah Palin suports McCain, but she doesn't really have any reasons to supported him other than the Maverick thing and John McCain as a veteran of the United States. Joe Biden and Sarah Palin agreeds on certain points, but hey have different points of view. Joe Biden really show no weak spot. And so I think that Joe Biden really did a good job during the debate and really getting people interested in Obama ideas, so they would vote for him as th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Mafia Boss said...