Friday, October 3, 2008

Biden v. Palin

So how do you all think this debate went? Did they do what they "had" to do, or did they prove why their presidential running mate is the correct choice and show their support for them?
Lets dig a little deeper...

Do you all feel that they responded to all the questions and fully explain where they stand?
What do you all think?


Rawreth (Tony) said...

I think Palin kept going back to her strong points rather than straight forward answering the questions. I mean, we get it, your strong in that point, but you're showing how weak you are in these.

Lorita said...

Well, I think that both Palin and Biden answered the questions better than McCain and Obama. I mean they got straight to the point and were very successful. There were times when they attacked each other but it was done in a very positive manner. They weren't interrupting each other and this time, two candidates kept looking at each other.

Palin, in my opinion was very strong. The reason why is because she knew what she was talking about and got right to the point. I agree that she "kept going back to her strong points rather than straight forward answering the questions". This was one of her weaknesses and she was way too stressed out. I felt as if she was rushing herself but it was still handled in a mature way. Like Mr. Miclette said, "she was a bull wearing lipstick."

Biden was also very successful during the debate. He connected with fellow Americans and had very strong beliefs for all of us. I think that this debate was very successful. However nothing is perfect and I think that there were some weaknesses that both politicians shared. However the vice presidential debate was way more rewarding than the presidential debate.

Duke said...

This debate imply what politic realy is. To win the game , Biden has to respect palin , female voters will support his party. They do show their weekness and advantages and motivate people to choose "side". Biden has a visual economic plan ,but Palin. After all , Iraq war is still an issue that none of them give a traight answer. Palin is a "liar". At the end of the debate , she declares that she will protect working class: she just want their vote ,but is not willing to keep the promise.

Rawreth (Tony) said...

Sarah Palin was at the end of Fall Out Boy's I Don't Care music video.
I guess she's trying pretty hard to get teen's votes now.

Rachel K said...

My opinion of the V.P. Debate is that they both did what they had to do. Biden had to be careful about attacking Palin to much because independents tend not to like negativity and he needed not to offend the women's vote. Palin also did what she had to do. She basically had to not do a repeat of the Katie Couric interview and make herself look like she actually knows what she was talking about. You could totally tell that she was coached very well. It seemed like as she was talking, she really didn't know what she was talking about because she was like smiling while talking about the serious issues that face our country.She also would bring the answer to any question to the topic of Energy. Both sides did what they needed to really do which was to not make any serious mistakes.

This debate was like 10 times more interesting then the Mcain and Obama debate because they were actually kind of answering the questions. They both acknoleged each others existence unlike McCain towards Obama.As to whether or not they fully explained where they stand,I don't think that either of the canidates really explained where they stand because ,of course, this is politics and they can't ever tell us anything they actually think because everything they say is so censored.

Christine said...

I don't think they answered the questions completely at all, the moderator even pointed that out at one point.

I think that maybe Joe Biden isn't necessarily the best choice for Barack Obama. I could be wrong about this, but didn't I hear that Obama supports gay marriage? Biden doesn't, and I think that's a big issue to disagree on.

Jamie<3 said...

i think Palin and biden supported there ideas very strongly and did there jobs with presenting their sides of the debate better than the two presidents we're voting on. I think there is this definate intensity hitting off here. Even though I only watched a little portion of it I did see very much of the power these vice presidents have and how much intesity they presented towards their ideas and feelings between the seperate parties.

Dalvinder said...
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Dalvinder said...

I think that Palin did better in the debate the I thought, I do think she went around some questions. Biden on the other hand also did pretty well. I loved Bidens last point about how he raised two boys on his own once his wife died. I was quiet tired of Palin making her quote "The only difference between hockey moms and pit bulls is lipstick!" Biden's quote showed that guys also have family responsibilities not only women. I still think that they could have done better, an addressed more issues in the debate but the problem was time. I also think time was the reason they didn't go into deep answers. But I do think that both Palin, and Biden supported their presidential running mate. And they both did say why their running mate is the best choice. Personally I think that Biden did a better job better promoting Obama, then Palin did to promote McCain.

Cornelio said...

I belive that this debate was better than the presidential debate. Both Palin and Biden did an impressive job answering the question given to them.

In my opinion, I believe Palin won the debate. Palin made some instresting points abouts subjects such as univeral health care, the economy, and energy. Yes, I do have to agree that Palin did like mentioned her "strong points." Palin had also made some good combacks as well as Biden.

Overall, this debate was worth waiting for and many people would agree. I myself was impressed on how Palin stayed on top and acted like she was not going to backdown.
Maybe she is a pitbull with lipstick.

Mafia Boss said...

i post my comment in Obama vs McCain Pt.1 Mr.Miclette